Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Back to Normal...Almost

Ethan is acting like himself again. He is smiling at the nurses to make them smile (instead of the other way around) and eating and (finally) pooping. He is playing with his toys and cooing at everyone. The only thing that is different is how awake he is! He is more awake and awake for longer when it isn't nap time. Also, he now has a medication schedule. Aspirin for blood thinner once a day, amoxicillin twice a day, lasix 3 times a day, and motrin 4 times a day. I have to write it down to keep it straight and to make sure that he gets them on time. Hopefully, we will be down to amoxicillin, aspirin, and lasix before we go home. Motrin is mostly to keep his massive headache from his Glenn at bay. It seems to be getting better because he isn't as cranky. He didn't sleep as well last night because once again he is trying to flip his schedule into a night owl's. We are going to work on that today and not let him sleep as much at a time when the sun is out. He's been up since 5:45 this morning and he is still going strong at 7. I'm just so grateful that he is happy and doing well that I'm not even caring that I didn't get more than an hour of sleep between wake ups last night...Just want to get that schedule worked around before we go home and I have to get back to the reality of raising 4 kids. I can't wait...

1 comment:

Angela said...

YAY!! :-) That's great that Ethan is starting to smile at the nurses and cooing and everything!!! Really is an amazing thing!!