Thursday, October 2, 2008


Just sitting here waiting for Ethan's MRI to be finished. I am updating the blog instead of sitting here twitching! It's not working really well, but at least I feel productive. I was able to carry Ethan downstairs and then be with him holding his little hand until the happy gas took over. He is wrapped in heated blankets so I'm left with a laptop computer and his blankie in the waiting room. I never in a million years dreamed that I would be where I am right now. I feel helpless because I am not in control of what is going on. This is the biggest trial of faith that I have ever been through because I not only have to rely on my faith in Heavenly Father but I also have to have faith that the doctors are doing their very best and that everything is working out for the good of everyone involved. Elise wa sso sweet last night. She has never once complained because I have been out of town. She and Craig have gone to school and Nolan has gone to stay with my mom or Jennifer during the day and not once have any of them complained. They know that I have to be with Ethan...and they know that they will see me on the weekends. But last night Elise asked if I would be home by Saturday and I honestly answered that I didn't know. Then she asked if I would be home by December because they are having a mommy/daughter activity with her group and she wanted me to be there. She was so innocent and sincere. She really wants me to be there and was asking so she could prepare herself if I couldn't. I am so looking forward to spending time with her and her brothers. I am in my own world here at the hospital and have to keep reminding myself that they are still doing their normal things...

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