Saturday, April 30, 2011

Getting ready...

Since the last time I have posted we have had many many many check ups,  several scares that included midnight drives to Houston, and tons of prayer.  All of the check ups have led to one thing.  Another heart cath.  Ethan's o2 numbers are sticking around 77.  He is constantly huffing and puffing to catch his breath when he is up walking/running around.  He's scaring me to death but he's always done that!  Day after tomorrow we go for a dental check up.  As soon as he is dentally cleared, we call his heart team to see if they can get him into the cath lab before May 31, which is when he is currently scheduled.  The F word (Fontan, but I got you thinkin didn't I) will happen sometime in the next 6 months depending on the results of the cath.  His one heart valve is very very leaky and it's keeping him from being able to keep up like he was.  BUT...he has learned to hit a ball off of the t and can play catch with his daddy.  For these two things we are especially grateful.  Tomorrow is the first Sunday of the month.  In our church, we fast on the first Sunday for something that we are in need of, or to give thanks, or for another reason as determined individually.  As always, Ethan will be the center of ours.  He is an amazing little person and we pray that he continues to thrive.


sockiepuppetsmom said...

As always, our hearts and prayers go out to your sweet family. If there is anything we can do to help please don't hesitate to call!

mary said...

us Randalls will all be parying with you too! xoxoxo

mary said...

***parying = praying in Australian***